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hilter • 11 months ago

here before the "Boring season i want mah action" comments flood in

Mr_Hentai_god • 11 months ago

Felt that lmao

Mayuta • 11 months ago

This episode was probably my favorite episode of the entire series so far.

Jani SIr • 10 months ago

That baby has a face only his mother could love.

Mr_Hentai_god • 11 months ago

Oh boy can't wait for uhh too give another shit opinion on this episode

slym • 11 months ago

late but here anway

Jani SIr • 10 months ago

How the hell is that guy alive after all that stabbing

I0vision • 10 months ago

I don't believe snake was in the wrong. theres just no ending where everyone can be happy after what happened. If anything this is the happiest ending we could of gotten as a viewer

Jani SIr • 10 months ago

Yup. Snake is not a horrible person, he is just a total tsundere towards gramps.

Ash • 5 months ago

Good and evil is just a matter of perspective, no man is truly good nor truly evil

Yes • 5 months ago


as the moon • 11 months ago

ayoo, i'm late to the party on this one but i felt like i had to get this off my chest... firstly, i loved finally seeing thorfinn hit a lick with snake, that was cool af how he just fell back into a rhythm but was like "should i?" "shouldn't i?" 'cause of the vow that he made + seeing askeladd show up is always welcomed, love him or hate him, he made the show 10x more enjoyable and i love the whole ptsd thing thorfinn has going on with him (the same goes for king canute and his father) i wanna see more story threads from season 1 like that, 'cause this show really feels like a spinoff sometimes (i've even taken to calling the first half of the show "slave simulator" lol) also, someone mentioned how thorfinn doesn't really feel like the mc anymore, and i'm glad to see him have more of an impact on the story of this episode, even tho' i don't see how any of this mattered in the grand scheme of things... (besides emotionally that is, since canute finna pull up soon anyway and 'cause a ruckus) so my dude just showed up to cuck einar, catch some bodies and ride off into the sunset with his wife... just to then die and have 10 other dudes pull up on her afterwards like "so umm..." not to say that the episode was bad, it just had its highs and its lows... and at some point during what was supposed to be the heart warming final moments of my dudes life, where we got to see how he suffered and how he regretted leaving and how he got to apologize to his wife before finally seeing his son again... i just stopped caring and started scrolling through the comments... not because it didn't work on an emotional level, not because he was a bad guy who didn't deserve a happy ending, but simply because...

all of this happened in like 3 episodes and why the fuck should i care about a character i can barely even remember the name of??? i hope snake is okay... anyway, thanks for coming to my tedxtalk

the rizzler • 11 months ago

the baby died tooπŸ˜₯

Devil of Paradise • 11 months ago

So he finally met his son in heaven.

Lord_Cr1spy • 11 months ago

am I supposed to be sad that he died? bro killed 5 people he got what was coming no idea why they defended this man

Devil of Paradise • 11 months ago

He fought for freedom. They would have killed him if he didn't. Why did they capture him in the first place? Why are you feeling sad for scum like them.

Ineedagirlfriend • 11 months ago

Just to be clear, if his side won the battle, they would have taken the losing side as slaves as well, It's just how things go, we honestly shouldn't be feeling sorry for anyone. Doing what you have to do doesn't make you a scum πŸ˜•

Yo! that is what I disagree on.He deserved what he got he killed damn 5 ppl (confirmed ppl who he killed) and the others in war he got what he deserved.

Lord_Cr1spy • 11 months ago

people are mad that I bring logic into thiings he killed 5 people 5 men who had familys, mothers a life bad or good

if you killed 5 people now days even if they were worse men than hitler you will still get life and most likely death

it should not matter if they are good men or bad men you took a human life and now you face the consequences not sure whats hard to understand

Yeah!and to be exact it was 6 men not 5.im glad someone can understand.

Tihim • 10 months ago

Well with your so little understanding nobody's is telling you to feel sad.

Jani SIr • 10 months ago

The only way this could have ended happily if the guy's master just sets him free out of the goodness of his heart.
Both sides had something to fight for, it was a fucked situation no matter who wins.

Waffles_Of_Doom • 11 months ago

Killing Snakes men was vermin extermination. They didn't deserve the oxygen they used

Ineedagirlfriend • 11 months ago

Cause einar was a simpπŸ™ƒ

What a fight

Someone you know • 9 months ago

I think what this anime needs is a final goal, it always keep swifting. The anime is good and all but not as good as season 1.

Roronoa05 • 9 months ago

I'm not crying u r crying 😭

Man I feel bad for all of them 😞
This ep was full of emotional rollercoaster 😒

Mauro Cananzi • 11 months ago

That ending was poetic

WavvyPig • 11 months ago


slym • 11 months ago

boring ass trash ass bullshit ass waste of space,time and effort ass episode dude killed 5 ppl why tf thorfin protecting him and making next bro look like the bad guy cant wait till that bitch of a woman dies gonna be the best part of the whole series

Jani SIr • 10 months ago

The last time I watched an anime I didn't enjoy as much as you hate this I didn't even finish episode 1.

slym • 11 months ago

loved when that ugly ass dude died btw W

Bro the newborn baby was ugly asf and I'm dying to say this but it is what it is. Tbh guys that arnav women is a Hoe oh sry a promiscuous female.

Waffles_Of_Doom • 11 months ago

If she didn't give up cheeks to the land owner guy, they would have just whipped her and treated her like a trash. Maybe even killed her for defiance. Women even today in most 3rd world shit hole countries do suicides because their life is worse than a dogs. I can give you a gore website where you can see it for yourself but you'd regret it

Ugh..Wtf bro..do u rlly believe that.It was better choice to die rather than be a snitch and cheat on aenar..And about the 3rd world country shit ur talking about that doesn't happen and being treated like a dog and suiciding doesn't happen....
I myself live in 3rd world country and that doesn't happen...

All of these things aside what r ur comments on Po*nStars

Most of them belong to 1st world country but why do they do that??

Bro I'm telling u these hoes can't be trusted.

Waffles_Of_Doom • 11 months ago

You aren't wrong in saying it's easy for women to move on and change lovers. It's because they like having options and would rather have someone watch over them because of their natural weaknesses. Guys on the other hand are much more likely to make a commitment to a decision - enough to die for it. And I assure you suicides happen a lot (biggest ones today being Russia, India, Korea, South Africa) when women have no way out from living in shitty conditions.

Pstars are just a product of modern society being twisted, because the regulations that built civilizations slowly get lifted. Women have always wanted an easy way out, to cut corners and avoid work so stuff like this isn't all uncommon. Women know guys are desperate for physical connection and that's why onlyfans happens also. Women are given much more power in 1st world countries over money and the lawmakers honestly couldn't even comprehend for far it can be abused.

You are 100% correct in saying that flaky and wishy washy people shouldn't be trusted because of their instinct response to switch sides. They will only bring ruin if other people are put under their responsibility.

Bro u r absolutely correct..I didn't expect this kind of response but all of ur points r right on the money.All of the things u said r correct, but I don't rlly get one thing the story of Vinland saga revolves around vikings, English and other old empires and as far as I know women of those times were so loyal to their man that they would die for them,fight for them,get tortured for them but never cheat or abandon their man their pride their dignity.

And don't get me wrong that I disagree with what u all wrote I completely agree.All I wanna do is make sure is that all of the thing I wrote about women of those time r correct or not.I just want ur opinion of this.

Waffles_Of_Doom • 11 months ago

Thanks. For instance, if people were raised today without any pressures from society on "how should I act according to my gender" or any kind of society-behavior-type training then you would see people's inherent traits more clearly. All of it boils down to evolutionary traits developed over millions and millions of years that are were engraved into their anatomy through countless physical experiences. These sub-vikings here are a just a concept from a few hundred yrs ago.

I remember most of the psychology studies saying that over time, Men were built with a "fight-or-flight" response when adrenaline surges through them in a situation. For instance, when under attack they would have an instinctual response to either run away or fight back without being given a split second to think (like I mentioned, without any specific mental society-type training). Women on the other hand would respond differently; their instincts would tell them to either scream (which still happens often today anyway) to alert anyone who may help, or do a "tend-and-befriend" where they would be submissive and try to reason with the attacker. These type of responses stem from our sympathetic nervous system that controls this. Men release hormones like noradrenaline and chorisol into the bloodstream which gives men a bloodrush-type response. Women release endorphins and oxytocin that is related to social interactions which makes them either try to befriend the enemy or surrender what they have.

Not everything is by-the-book or straightforward in a formula through, there are (a minority of) hormonal deviations like women being born with higher levels of testosterone that are more likely to fight, and men with higher levels of estrogen are likely to display higher levels of submissive feminine behavior. You can read some interesting research on this with psychological studies that branch into evolutionary survival.

Honestly, most of what you see on TV is just plain romance. In reality women ARE more prone to switching sides unless they were mentally vetted to resist their instincts through harsh pressure from society (ex. muslim women running at soldiers with granades). The blonde here is just some peasant, and the portrayal of her behavior is pretty accurate to the way she has lived her life

I like u bro friend me.πŸ˜‰

igevr • 11 months ago

feels like thorsfin isnt the main character anymore, we got ainar, the arnav and sthirkol, only took 17 episodes to see something besides farming

Jani SIr • 10 months ago

Thorfinn wasn't even the main character in season 1, he was just the gigantic edge lord background character that got beaten up for comic relief.